Sixteenth International Conference on The Arts In Society
Perth, Australia| June 16-18, 2021
Breath: Art in The Age of The Pandemic
In the devastating time of the COVID outbreaks, the pandemic poses several challenges globally. The lockdown disrupts everyday lives, and people have experienced tremendous psychological impacts living in isolation and despair without seeing the light at the end tunnel. The recent global threats have inspired the author to create images expressing emotions during social isolation.
The Breath series mirrors the inner mind when freedom is limited through the bright red elements of the COVID virus, contrasting the purity of the female figures dressed in white. The pictures are based on four themes:
Respiration: COVID-19 causes respiratory distress syndrome, leading to lung failure. The image depicts glass lungs with a red glass trachea under the COVID attack while the two figures inside are breathing through a ventilator.
Isolation: physical distancing and stay-at-home orders are the new parts of life. The triptych depicts a female trapped inside a house-like box in three stages before and after the outbreaks.
Escape: when outdoor life can achieve only through imagination, people learn to appreciate it more. The author communicates the idea through a diptych in which the confinements disperse from the figures. The flying objects signify the desire to break free.
Transmission: the COVID transmission spreads through close contact and respiratory droplets. The figures, bound between the red COVID tentacles, imply the rapid infection.
The images are digitally created in advanced 3D software called 3dsMax and printed on backlit material. What will the world become after the pandemic? The answer is yet to be answered.
Keyword: Whose Art, High And Low, Digital Art